The Betsey Cox Difference

What’s the difference?



We know how difficult it is to understand the difference between camps. There are differences, however, and Betsey Cox represents an exciting alternative to the standard summer camp program. We are an intentional community with a strong philosophy and clear goals for children and ourselves.  The following points explain our unique features:

Our setting allows for girls to experience rustic living in the foothills of the Green Mountains.  In addition to the forests, meadows and small lake on our own site, we have easy access to a large wilderness reservoir and to the Green Mountains themselves.  When services are necessary, we enjoy proximity to the small Vermont city of Rutland.



We offer sixteen activities structured around skill achievements that girls can choose to pursue.  They may also choose to explore activities without doing so.

Girls are empowered to choose their own daily program.  They learn responsibility, decision-making skills and independence in the process, and are supported by trained staff as they do so.  We encourage the fun of goal-setting, meeting challenges and taking safe risks with new activities.

Life in a rustic cabin encourages a simpler life style.  Without technology, girls make friends easily and rediscover the delights of face-to-face interactions.

In their cabins and with their staff, girls set their own rules for successful group living.  Girls become problem solvers and diplomats.  Civil discourse is the norm!


*Camp is fully multi-cultural.  We are committed to a camp community that reflects our national and international identity.  We have campers from a wide range of national communities as well as campers and staff from abroad.  We enjoy integrating every person’s unique attributes into our group.


Each day, every person at camp contributes to the work that makes our community successful.  Girls might be setting tables one day, sweeping the cabin the next day and pulling weeds the day after that.  We like how it feels to work together on behalf of our community.

A great deal can be learned by doing service for others.  We make sure to integrate frequent service learning opportunities into the camp program.  Anyone can choose to help!

Our schedule builds in free time.  Busy life for most American kids makes free time a luxury.  It’s a skill to learn how to use it creatively!  We love watching our girls do just that!

For middle-school and high-school girls, we offer a leadership program that provides the additional challenges for which girls are ready.  Girls in this age group enjoy completing intermediate and advanced skill achievements across our activities.

And all this liberally infused with the fun that summer camp offers!

Ready to go?

Come join us and see it all happen!

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